Sunday 10 October 2010

Experimenting with code. (HTML)

After researching some websites and identifying their design features I wanted to experiment a little by writing some of my own basic HTML and CSS code to create my own simple web pages.  

This is a screen shot of the simple code I wrote to construct my first simple web page. Although not structured this website contains a main body of text, links to a second page and photograph. Also by using code within the HTML document I experimented with making some of the text bold, italic, etc. Just to see how much I could manipulate the web site form with in the HTML document.

And this is a screen shot of my first basic webpage in internet explorer.
This is a screen shot of the basic code for the second webpage i made. There is a link to the second page from the first page and then a link from the second page back to the first page and also my blog on the second page.

 And below is a screen shot of the webpage in internet explorer.

I have found this excersie very useful as it is intresting to see how just a few lines of HTML can create a web page. Next i will be looking at how CSS can be used to structure a webpage and make it look more professional.

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